The kick-off meeting for the Horizon Europe project “Delivering the next generation of open Integrated Assessment MOdels for Net-zero, sustainable Development” (DIAMOND) was held as a hybrid event on December 15 and December 16, 2022!
Apart from organisational, management, and operational aspects, a very interesting discussion on the openness of climate policy models was also a central part of the two-day meeting, aiming to lead to a solid strategy that will help us eventually make our IAMs accessible rather than black boxes, in order to facilitate policymakers and stakeholders to better understand their insightful results. Representatives of all nineteen partners ( link) discussed the challenges, opportunities, and near-term objectives of our project (see here for the project’s overall objectives). Modelling super-groups had the opportunity to present the six envisaged IAMs while all other partners were given the floor to present the added value of their domain and tools of expertise, aimed to further expand model capabilities. We collectively had the opportunity to also discuss how each bit fits into the DIAMOND project puzzle, and how each piece of this puzzle integrates with one another ( link).
With this kick-off, DIAMOND starts its exciting journey to update, upgrade and/or open 6 well-established IAM frameworks in the next four years. It will develop a transdisciplinary scientific approach to legitimise the implementation process, co-create research questions, and establish vibrant communities of practice.