D7.2 The DIAMOND Project CDE Plan

  • 2023

    D7.2 The DIAMOND Project CDE Plan

    AUTHORS: Georgia Polytanou

    This report is the DIAMOND project’s initial strategy for the communication, dissemination, and exploitation (CDE) activities to relevant audiences. The report first defines the scope of communication, dissemination, and exploitation in the context of DIAMOND and sets the CDE targets of the project. The overall targets of the project include a tailored approach to convey the project’s key messages and efforts towards inclusive messages and communication means. The report also sets quantifiable indicators for specific activities that will be tracked throughout the duration of the project, such as achieving/publishing at least 10 articles and press releases in the project’s course. Next, the report identifies the project’s target audiences, which include modellers, researchers, policymakers and industries as well as NGOs and civil society. A multi-pronged selection of promotional channels/platforms is\ suggested, in order to more effectively target these varied populations. The promotional channels to reach project audiences include the project’s website, social media channels media (e.g., Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram), the I2AM PARIS platform, synergies with other relevant projects, open-access papers, and more. A visual identity and a logo for the project have been developed and have been used in the design of the project website and promotional materials including infographics and presentations. The plan concludes by reporting progress towards CDE indicators and outlining the next steps for improving dissemination. The CDE plan will be further updated in Months 18 and 34.

    TAGS: WP7
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