D6.1 Open data management plan

  • 2023

    D6.1 Open data management plan

    AUTHORS: Alexandros Nikas

    This report documents the first version of the open Data Management Plan (DMP) of DIAMOND. The DMP currently includes an initial description of the data that will be used and generated during the project; a strategy and an allocation of resources and responsibilities for achieving Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) data; and details on how we will ensure data security and correct handling of all ethical aspects. In parallel with this report, we have also developed a machine-actionable data management plan1 (maDMP) using the ARGOS service of OpenAIRE. The maDMP will be continuously updated with metadata for all project datasets that will be generated from project activities. The DMP report will also be frequently updated during the project (M18, M36). 

    TAGS: WP6
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