Move towards a sustainable energy source now.

Brighter Future needs the Cleanest Energy

Home Products

Nullam vehicula, nunc fermentum convallis eleifend, nunc lorem ornare arcu, magna ex ac hendrerit.

Nature Protecting

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et malesuada some fames ac turpis egestas.


Curabitur gravida ante pulvinar neque vulputate, sed pretium purus posuere at commodo quam.

Smart Sockets

Fusce eget libero facilisis, eros quis, condimentum purus. Nullam at nunc commodo, fringilla metus.

Solutions for a Green Energy Source

Nam vitae tortor quis est tempus egestas. Suspendisse non erat non mi imperdiet fringilla at vel ipsum. Proin rutrum, diam vel scelerisque luctus, leo dui sodales massa, et mattis urna felis quis mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut nunc purus, euismod sed cursus sed, ultricies non quam.
We’re a team dedicated to provide you with the tools and products to use the power of Sun and Wind and convert it to your very own home energy.
We’re a team dedicated to provide you with the tools and products to use the power of Sun and Wind and convert it to your very own home energy.

Investing in the Growing Energy

Ending deforestation is our best chance to conserve wildlife in our beautiful world while defending the rights of our communities. It is also one of the quickest, most cost effective ways to slow the effects of climate change.

84 Renewable Projects Completed
62 Business helped with Renewables
37 Renewable energy suppliers
44 White papers published
16 Teams ready for Installations

Meet our Team

Peter Wright

Proin gravida, nulla ut porta commodo, arcu justo mollis lacus, quis scelerisque ante massa mauris malesuada.

Angela Johnson

Quisque iaculis diam non eros ornare, id tristique erat vestibulum primis in risus non lacus cursus consectetur.

Brandon House

Fringilla metus id, porttitor sapien. In ac consequat dolor. Curabitur tincidunt sit amet magna nec posuere.

Let’s get together!

We’re available for a meeting if you’d like to get together and have a chat about converting to renewable energy source.

8AM - 4PM
8AM - 2PM

If the suggested times are not convenient, send us an email and we will arrange a meeting.

A tremendous help!
I’ve always wanted to join a community that takes care of it’s environment and Greenergy did just that! Feel proud to be part of it!
John Waterton
Very impressed!
To help conserve the planet was my long lasting dream and I’ve asked the Greenergy to do just that. Just an awesome team!
Brenda McIntosh
An Excellent solution!
Greenergy team proved to be the tune up we needed to improve our business enegry savings, and it helped us!
Jessica Peel
Well Location!
Ending deforestation is our best chance to wildlife while defending the rights of our communities. It is also one of the quickest.
Brandon Johnson
What have we achieved so far?
0123456789001234567890Total renewable energy projects implemented
0123456789001234567890Business projects helped with renewable sources
0123456789001234567890Renewable energy suppliers recommended
0123456789001234567890White papers published on renewable energy
We’re a team dedicated to provide you with the tools and products to use the power of Sun and Wind and convert it to your very own home energy.

Pellentesque viverra volutpat semper. Suspendisse aliquet neque at aliquam lobortis. In id enim suscipit, elementum mauris ac, hendrerit diam. Duis commodo mi nibh. Aenean rutrum vestibulum euismod. Proin egestas lectus lorem, ac sodales sapien pulvinar quis. Maecenas sit amet eros a dui iaculis aliquam.

Vivamus vel feugiat enim. Proin ac elementum orci, varius cursus dolor. Vivamus ultricies id neque vel efficitur. Fusce elit ligula, venenatis eget laoreet bibendum, maximus in mi. Suspendisse vel lectus sed diam pretium eleifend scelerisque vitae dui.

20+ Sustainable
Energy Programs

Get a free quote for your project

Nunc eu varius nulla, at dictum nulla. Phasellus nunc enim, finibus at leo non, porta dignissim ligula. Praesent ac finibus mauris. Proin gravida, nulla ut porta commodo.

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    DIAMOND at the EGU 2024 meeting
    The General Assembly 2024 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU24) took place in Vienna, Austria and online, in April 14–19, 2024. Constituting one of the most prestigious conferences on climate science, the event welcomed more than 20,000 participants, with numerous presentations, sessions, and posters. The project had strong presence at the conference, with DIAMOND colleagues...
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    DIAMOND side-event at COP28: the EU’s path to net zero
    DIAMOND side-event at COP28: the EU’s path to net zero
    The EU has committed to becoming a net-zero economy by 2050, with many member states having integrated this goal into national strategies. The bloc’s path towards delivering on this ambition, however, remains unclear. Alongside the Horizon Europe project IAM COMPACT as well as the Hellenic Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage, the DIAMOND consortium is co-hosting a...
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    Sixteenth IAMC Annual Meeting 2023
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    European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum – ECEMP 2023
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    The European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum – ECEMP 2023 was held virtually on the 5th-6th of October 2023. The annual ECEMP conference brings together Europe’s climate and energy modelling community over a two-day period in a forum for deep exchange of research and modelling practice and varied discussions. The event featured a balanced mix...
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    Workshop on finance, labour, and consumer heterogeneity in IAMs
    Workshop on finance, labour, and consumer heterogeneity in IAMs
    On September 21-22, 2023, a two-day project meeting took place in Maastricht at the premises of the University of Maastricht (UM) to discuss aspects related to finance, labour, and consumer demand as well as to their integration in the DIAMOND ensemble of IAMs. During the first day, colleagues from UM, led by Prof. Mark Sanders...
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    Harnessing Power of the Elements

    Mauris pellentesque viverra ipsum id bibendum. Nullam id tincidunt ipsum. Integer venenatis auctor nibh id sagittis. Phasellus et tincidunt leo, eu rutrum ante. Nulla laoreet nisi iaculis porttitor bibendum. Aenean lobortis, est id rutrum vestibulum, diam vel scelerisque luctus, turpis turpis sodales massa posuere urna.

    A varius turpis velit eget arcu. Vivamus at tortor at nulla tincidunt pulvinar. Curabi turning gravida ante pulvinar neque vulputate, sed pretium purus posuere. Nunc at commodo quam. Mauris quis aliquam justo.

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