Our Latest News

DIAMOND stakeholder webinar
DIAMOND webinar: Stakeholder participation in IAMs
Integrated assessment models (IAM) underpin much of the climate change mitigation pathways that are used in IPCC AR6 and other major assessments. Although the desirability of the futures imagined largely depends on the people affected by such pathways, wide stakeholder input is often missing from modelling studies, reducing the breadth of perspectives that are represented...
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DIAMOND at the EGU 2024 meeting
DIAMOND at the EGU 2024 meeting
The General Assembly 2024 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU24) took place in Vienna, Austria and online, in April 14–19, 2024. Constituting one of the most prestigious conferences on climate science, the event welcomed more than 20,000 participants, with numerous presentations, sessions, and posters. The project had strong presence at the conference, with DIAMOND colleagues...
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DIAMOND side-event at COP28: the EU’s path to net zero
DIAMOND side-event at COP28: the EU’s path to net zero
The EU has committed to becoming a net-zero economy by 2050, with many member states having integrated this goal into national strategies. The bloc’s path towards delivering on this ambition, however, remains unclear. Alongside the Horizon Europe project IAM COMPACT as well as the Hellenic Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage, the DIAMOND consortium is co-hosting a...
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Sixteenth IAMC Annual Meeting 2023
Sixteenth IAMC Annual Meeting 2023
The Sixteenth Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium’s Annual Meeting (IAMC2023) was held on November 14-16, 2023 at the Hilton Molino Stucky, Venice, Italy. The purpose of IAMC Annual Meeting is to: present and discuss the state of the art in integrated assessment modeling; review the status of ongoing community activities including both multi-model studies and the...
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European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum – ECEMP 2023
European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum – ECEMP 2023
The European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum – ECEMP 2023 was held virtually on the 5th-6th of October 2023. The annual ECEMP conference brings together Europe’s climate and energy modelling community over a two-day period in a forum for deep exchange of research and modelling practice and varied discussions. The event featured a balanced mix...
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information about the models!



  • Expand geographic granularity to at least 25 world regions, including G20 economies aswell as further disaggregating the EU-27 to the national level
  • Link to national results to analyse implementation challenges at the EU NUTS-2 level
  • Integrate trade aspects related to new clean sources in addition to fossil fuel trade.
  • Leverage probability distributions for model parameters enabling fully-fledged stochastic
    uncertainty treatment and more robust outputs
  •  Enable complete socioeconomic impact assessments of energy system transformations
    and net-zero pathways in the EU and major emitters


  • Enable more detailed regional analysis
  • Incorporate a spatially explicit representation of key energy carrier trades (bioenergy,
    hydrogen, commodities including captured CO2, etc.)
  • Allow to estimate global average temperature changes of scenarios and include
    abatement supply-cost curves for all major non-CO 2 options, based on updated
  • Enable a broader community of practice


  • Explore “what-if”-type scenarios deep-diving at the European national level, while
    staying connected with global trends and markets
  • Improve calibration data on energy use, emissions, land, and water for Europe
  • Increase the technological detail in buildings, transport, and industry
  • Connect the electricity sector in European countries through interconnected “grid-
    regions”, and improve dispatch and storage representation of electricity supply
  • Separate final consumer demand for energy and food by a wide and flexible segregation
    of consumer groups, including income groups


  • Represent the EU as a single node, serving as an engagement, reduced-form model, upon
    which capacity development activities on EU climate policy can be developed
  • Extend spatial resolution to the national level to enable extensive, frontiers-stretching
  • Adopt a more detailed temporal resolution to at least 12 time-steps (seasons and day-
  • Enhance technological representation to increase the number of options that can render
    net-zero emission pathways technically feasible.


  • Expand the focus of NEMESIS to acknowledge the global nature of aspects related to
    climate change and action and the importance of interactions within and outside the EU
  • Develop the first open-access, global, large-scale, macro-sectoral model
  • Individualise the largest economies/emitters, energy supply sectors and transport
    activities, with the selection of datasets reflecting optimal trade-off between coverage,
    detail, relation to official definitions, and need for updates


  • Enhance the level of detail in policy insights at the national and EU level, improving
    empirical consistency
  • Enhance representation of non-GHG pollutants, integrating health co-benefits
  • Enable the analysis of the EU’s net-zero transition to a circular economy, exploiting the
    advantages of CGE models in explicitly representing the role of prices for determining
    supply and demand for goods and accounting for economic flows throughout the


Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
Basque Centre for Climate Change
Centre of Economic Scenario Analysis and Research
CICERO Center for International Climate Research
The Cyprus Institute
Energy Engineering Economic Environment System Modelling and Analysis
Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid
Société EURopéenne d'ECOnomie
Maastricht University
Energy Super Modelers and International Analysts
University of Maryland
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich
The University of Basel
Imperial College London
The University of Oxford
The University College London